Do You React When You Hear the Word 'Ego'?
Have you ever noticed how the word ego makes people uncomfortable? I certainly did...
Why Most New Year’s Resolutions Fail
New Year’s resolutions. That time of year when we set out grand intentions, only...
Why Overwhelm Happens and How You Can Stop Burnout in Its Tracks
Over the years, I’ve found myself overwhelmed more times than I care to admit....
From Insecurity to Influence: Lead with Confidence by Embracing Your Values
How often have you felt stuck, unsure of your next move, caught in a whirlwind of...
Dare to Shine: Bringing Out Your Brilliance
Marianne Williamson beautifully said, “Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond...
Discovering Your True Purpose
Throughout my years of coaching and mentoring, I’ve found that no matter who...
Introvert's Strength Behind Their Quiet Demeanour
What pops into your head when you hear the word “introvert”? Maybe you’re...
Failing Forward: Transforming Mistakes Into Milestones
The Irish poet and writer James Joyce said, “Mistakes are the portals of discovery.”...
Motivation Masters: How Effective LeadingME® Leaders Propel Team Performance
Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “Motivation is the art of getting people to do what...
From Doubt To Done: Overcoming Beliefs That Block Success
Do you hear that little voice in your head when you’re working on something? No,...
Introverts V Extroverts: Who Makes the Best Leaders?
Today, we’re diving into a fascinating topic: the dynamics between introverted...
On a Tightrope? Learn How To Balance Life And Work
Work-life balance – what the bloody hell does that actually mean? Let’s talk...
How to Handle Difficult Conversations
Today, let’s delve into the crucial topics of conflict resolution and handling...
6 Top Tips To Being A Great Leader
What makes a great leader? When we pose this question to different individuals, we...
Workplace Culture and Productivity
In the modern professional landscape, the term “toxic workplace” has...
We are What We Eat? Bollocks; We Are What We Consume!
How many times have we heard the phrase “we are what we eat.” In this...
Poll Results Workplace Culture and Productivity
Thank you for participating in our recent poll about Workplace Culture and Productivity....
No Time To Reflect... how to take off the busy badge
Do you go around saying “I’m busy” or “I’m too busy?”...
Failure The Greatest Gift
We fear failing in many things and worry to the point of avoiding. However, if we...
Who Triggers You?
We all have people or things in our lives that trigger us into negative thoughts...
LOVE... What Is It?
What Is Love Anyway? We hear the words in songs, films, we hear others use the word...
Self Care, Self Love
What do you do to care for yourself? How much do you love yourself, truthfully? How...
Learning To Receive
So many of us are great at giving to others but openly say we find it difficult to...
Abundance Isn't Just About The Money
When we think of the word Abundance, most people think of money, and lots of great...
Positive Thinking Does NOT Work
It’s a bold statement to say that positive thinking does NOT work, especially...
AI & YOU: Love it, Hate it, or Indifferent?
AI and You: Love it, Hate it, or Indifferent” – a podcast that delves...
The ART of Managing People Remotely: 3 Ways to Fail
3 Ways To Fail When Trying To Manage People Remotely. Tune in to our latest podcast...
The ART of Managing People Remotely_Results
When I first started out as a manager, I didn’t understand not being able to...
The ART of Managing Remote Teams
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced organisations around the world to embrace remote...
The Art of Asking
One big mistake we usually make when we get familiar with people is that we often...
Embracing the Dark Side
🔥 Ever found yourself in the company of challenging personalities? Step up your game...
Dealing with Difficult People
Yes, it’s YOU, not them. You have to shift your perspective to transform your...
AI and You: Love it, Hate it or Indifferent
Can you guess what our feelings about AI reveal? In our recent poll, we asked our...
The ART of Managing People Remotely
Mastering the ART of remote team management is essential in today’s hyper-connected...
Managing People Remotely Poll Result
Check out the results of our latest poll on remote team management. Wanna see what...
Operate at 100% CLARITY, BRILLIANCE and EFFICIENCY. Learn the models, tools, and...
Be Careful of Your Words
Here’s a friendly reminder to think twice before we speak, online or off. Let’s...
AI & YOU: Love it, Hate It, Or Indifferent?
Welcome to LeadingME® Wee Gems where we delve into the omnipresent topic of artificial...
Do Your Beliefs Limit or Boost Your Potential?
Embrace the LeadingME® mindset and embark on a journey from rational thinking to...
What Defines Leadership?
Leaders who are inconsistent in their words and actions are difficult to work with,...
Does Positive Thinking Actually Work?
Was there a time when you felt that positive thinking wouldn’t work for you?...
Let's Talk Abundance
Everyone has an abundance mindset. The question is: where do you focus your mind?...
Mags Bell Speaker
See Mags Bell Speaker In Action And Hear What Attendees Experience.
The Last Full Day of Vipassana Course…The Last Morning of Silence!
Awoke to the gong at 4am as always and realised this was the last full day of the...
Snake Encounter Of The Penultimate Kind
As I entered the 9th day, the penultimate day Vipassana Meditation…in actual...
The Marvels of Impermanence and Balance
At lunch on day six, after the learnings of the morning session on aversion...
Daily Routine and Excruciating Pain
By day six, I was well into the routine of our 10hr meditation day, observing excruciating...
The Teaching of Vipassana – Awareness, Observation and Equanimity
Day four was the day we started learning the Vipassanameditation technique....
The Power In Detaching Our Emotion From Our Mind
As I had expected; the silent part was the easy part of this 10 day silent Vipassana meditation...
What Happens To A Speaker On A 10 Day Silent Meditation Course?
So there I was in the sub-tropical hinterland of the Sunshine Coast in Australia...
Hemant's Experience With Mags Bell of Creating Powerful Results | Discover How To Dramatically Improve Your Potency As A Leader,...
Client Experiences with Mags Bell of Creating Powerful Results | Discover How To Dramatically Improve Your Potency As A Leader,...
Nick's Experience with Mags Bell of Creating Powerful Results | Discover How To Dramatically Improve Your Potency As A Leader,...
Creating Powerful Results with Mags Bell Inspire your workplace and unlock the potential of your management...
Tracy Wilson Blabs with Mags
If you are thinking about a coach for your business … STOP and view this Video. How...
Highly Effective Teams
“Highly effective teams bring in exceptional results and they do this independently...
Purpose Of The Coaching Relationship
“The purpose of the coaching relationship is to quickly get to the cause of your...
Coaching Is Transformational
“This is not remedial action. Coaching is transformational work for people who want...
Cause vs Effect
“We centre on the client when we coach and quicky get to the cause rather than simply...
“Inspiration can be given by others but motivation can only come from you.” – Mags...
People Buy What They Need
“Try to always ensure that people only buy from you what THEY need”
Time Out
Start the year as you mean to go on. I would ask of you to commit yourself to this...
New Year Resolutions – How to Make Them Stick!
At this time of year, we are all looking at how we can better our lives. For many,...
Honesty…is it really that simple?
Now Here’s The Biggie… Honesty, What Do You Believe It To Be For You? Maybe when...
Celebrating Diversity
It’s so appropriate that I’m writing this article for you on a trip to Singapore....
How We View The Moment?
I’m sharing another personal moment with you in this second article. Every so often...
To Do Or Not To Do? That Is The Question!
I’d like to share an experience I had recently as an example of what we deal with...
Changes and Opportunities
I was speaking to a friend the other day and she was asking how I was doing in setting...
The Skill of Delegation – Part 2
Who should we delegate to? I’m going to take this in two steps. The first is when...
The Skill of Delegation – Part 1
I was asked to cover this subject by one of our readers and as it is such a big area...
Taming Those Insecurities
I was out having a meal the other night with a group of people that I had just met. ...
Assertive Behaviour
Acquiring assertive behavioural traits is one of the most effective characteristics...
A World In Crisis
I read an article the other day in the business section of a newspaper and the journalist...
Burnout Through Stress
Stress is the mental and physical condition that results from strains that exceed...
Cut Out The Jargon
Have you ever stood in company, sat in a meeting, or listened to someone presenting...
That Winning Feeling
Did you notice that when the Olympics were on, the media was leading with positive...
Making Mistakes – Service Providers
In this part we will concentrate on the mistakes made by some service providers (SP)...
Making Mistakes – Customers
This article and the next are borne out of both my own mistake and the mistakes made...
Dealing With Difficult Staff
When managing people, it is very unlikely that at any time you will have a whole...
Different Styles Vs. Behaviours
We could spend a number of days and weeks talking about the different ‘people styles’...
Giving Developmental Feedback
This topic comes up time and time again. I am constantly asked how best to give developmental...
Often we complain about lack of communication when we are in situations that affect...
Knowledge Is Power
I’m sure you have heard this phrase many times. It is very true! Each time we take...
Dealing with Changing Environments?
The World Is Constantly Changing Around Us Our markets are evolving. Our people are...
Interview Rejection
First I would like to thank one of our readers for sending in a request for help...
Manage Your Manager
Your Destiny Is In Your Own Hands! A number of years ago I worked with a manager...
When Did You Last Praise Your Staff?
It is amazing how we… Underestimate The Power Of A Simple Thank You! When we are...
Where Do Your Fantasies Lead You?
Now Let Me State This Right Up Front! I am not referring to those naughty fantasies...
Positive Belief – The Practicalities
A Quick Mention On Positive Belief As Bruce Lipton talks about in his book, The Biology...
Quick Guide to Dealing with Difficult Situations
Have you ever had someone or something hold you back from a very important task?...
7 Keys to Achieving Motivational Environments
The first thing I’m going to say on this subject will not be news to some of you....