The ART of Managing Remote Teams

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced organisations around the world to embrace remote working, bringing about a significant shift in the way people work. Let’s explore the ART of managing remote teams and the importance of balancing individual needs with achieving desired results. Drawing insights from the experiences of remote workers, we will explore the challenges faced and provide valuable strategies for effective remote management. Ask: Understanding Individual Preferences A – One crucial aspect of managing remote teams is recognising that different individuals have varying needs and preferences. Some employees thrive on the social interaction of an office environment, while others find increased productivity and flexibility when working remotely.As a manager, it is essential to communicate with your team and understand their preferences. By asking questions and actively listening, you can gain insights into what works best for each individual and create a supportive work environment, within the company procedures. Results: Focus on the Outputs R – A common concern among managers when transitioning to remote work is the loss of control over their team’s activities. However, effective remote management is not about micromanaging; it’s about empowering individuals to achieve results. Instead of fixating on direct supervision and inputs, shift your focus to fostering their growth and development to achieve the results. Regularly discuss goals, provide constructive feedback, and identify opportunities for skill enhancement. By emphasising individual development, you can create a motivational environment for your team. You can only do this if you have worked out their motivations… see ASK above. Training: Crucial for Remote Teams T – Providing training and development opportunities is crucial teams and especially for remote teams. It’s not only about preparing individuals for future roles, more importantly it’s about addressing their current needs and uncertainties. Invest in training programs that help employees build the necessary skills for remote working, such as effective online communication and presentation skills. Prevent boredom setting in invest! Highlighting Domestic Violence It’s essential to make yourself aware of domestic violence, particularly in the context of remote working. For individuals facing domestic violence or coercive relationships, the workplace may serve as a lifeline and a sanctuary. Leaders need to be mindful of this and create an environment where employees feel comfortable expressing their needs and concerns. By fostering open communication and providing support, leaders can help create a safer and more supportive work environment for everyone. This type of environment creates great results for everyone. If you are unsure of what to do about these situations then seek help in addressing this and look for people you can refer to. You don’t need to have all the answers. (see Ref below) Challenges and Benefits Remote work brings both challenges and benefits. Some people thrive in the remote environment, enjoying freedom and increased productivity. Others find it difficult to adapt, lacking the necessary training and struggling with the lack of social interaction.The importance of asking employees about their preferences and needs should be given emphasis. Understanding what works best for each individual is crucial for creating an effective remote working strategy. Balance Between Needs and Results Managing remote teams requires a delicate balance between individual needs, the company’s needs and achieving desired results. By adopting an open and empathetic approach, you can create an environment where employees feel heard, supported, and motivated to excel. Embrace the ART of managing remote teams by asking your team members about their preferences, focusing the outputs and results not inputs and supporting their growth and development, helping them to prioritise balance. By doing so, you will unlock the full potential of your remote team and drive both individual and collective success in the ever-evolving world of remote working. PS If you are going through a domestic violence situation or you know someone who needs help, please reach out (in Australia) to:Jaeneen Cunningham of Safe Haven (Southeast Queensland, Australia) For girls and young women, contact:Mel Thomas of The KYUP! Project (Sydney, Australia) Or the many organisations around the country and around the world who can help. And, as always, stay true, stay you and keep bringing out your brilliance!
The Art of Asking

One big mistake we usually make when we get familiar with people is that we often make assumptions – about what they want, how they think and feel, their preferences, beliefs, etc. As a leader, you don’t have the luxury to make the same mistake as that erodes trust. 👑 Remember that it’s important to seek the opinions of your team, even if you think you already know the answer. By doing so, you not only make your team members feel valued but also gain new insights that you might not have known otherwise. 💡 Demonstrating grace and humility by asking for input is crucial in effective management. 🙏 Quit assuming and you’ll avoid making an “ASS” out of “U” and “ME.”🚫 Check out Mags’ insights on managing people remotely in The ART of Managing People Remotely. #magsbell #LeadingME® #Assumptions #Mistake #Management #Leadership #Teamwork #Communication
Embracing the Dark Side

🔥 Ever found yourself in the company of challenging personalities? Step up your game and take on a bold approach! 🔥 👉 Don’t back down! Let’s explore their viewpoints, uncover their motivations, and tackle obstacles head-on with wit and fearlessness. Of course if you don’t know your own motivations or obstacles that may be a problem! 💪 Embrace their uniqueness and unlock the secrets to masterful communication and conflict resolution. 🔑 Check out Mags’ valuable insights on this topic, where even the toughest individuals come together in perfect harmony. 🤝 #magsbell #LeadingME® #ConqueringChallengingPersonalities #BoldStrategy #FearlessApproach #ExploreViewpoints #UncoverMotivations #TackleObstacles #WitAndFearlessness #EmbraceUniqueness #MasterfulCommunication #ConflictResolution #PerfectHarmony
Dealing with Difficult People

Yes, it’s YOU, not them. You have to shift your perspective to transform your relationships for your benefit. Subscribe to our channel for a regular dose of transformative insights! 💎 #magsbell #LeadingME® #DealingWithDifficultPeople #NotThemButYou #transformation #relationship #perspectiveshift
AI and You: Love it, Hate it or Indifferent

Can you guess what our feelings about AI reveal? In our recent poll, we asked our readers about their feelings towards AI, and boy, did the results turn some heads! We presented four options: fascination, worry or perceived threat, and mixed feelings; along with an option for those who simply couldn’t be bothered. Surprising Lack of Concern Strikingly, not a single soul expressed worry about the threat of AI. Quite fascinating, wouldn’t you agree? However, it’s possible that some individuals who chose “mixed feelings” might have a slight concern alongside their fascination with AI. Indifference and Observance Now here’s an interesting snippet: a whopping 8% of respondents declared that they simply couldn’t give two hoots about AI. While it’s important to respect individual opinions, not caring entirely about a topic that is increasingly prevalent in our lives, raises some concerns. Staying observant and aware of the advancements and implications of AI is crucial, much like how those clever meerkats are in the wild, always looking around, observing, and keeping everything noted. Complexity of Opinions The survey also unveiled a rather intriguing revelation: 46% of the votes fell into two categories. One group was completely fascinated with AI. Yes, it’s fascinating indeed. It’s been around for many, many years but it just come into the general public’s viewing. So, we are now at the stage where Joe Bloggs is really starting to understand what AI can do for us. While the other group had mixed thoughts about it. This mixture of responses underscores the complexity and diversity of opinions when it comes to AI. The Moral and Ethical Side Now, we lead our discerning gaze on the moral and ethical implications of AI. Treading this path requires a strong sense of personal responsibility. I found a riveting TED Talk by Gary Marcus, an esteemed figure in AI research, where in his talk on “The Urgent Risks of Runaway AI – and What to Do About Them” stated “that truth and reason will not survive the evolution of artificial intelligence. Not if untrustworthy technology continues to be integrated into our lives at such dangerously high speeds” – and this statement has stirred up a mélange of emotions in me. While the advancements and capabilities of AI are undeniably fascinating and beneficial, ethical concerns arise when considering its potential misuse, such as in the dark web and manipulating election outcomes. And so, he advocates for a global, not-for-profit organisation to regulate this technology, safeguarding democracy and our collective future. The Legal Ramifications On the legal front, while human creations are copyright-protected, AI produced creations are NOT. Recent cases highlight ethical concerns when AI-generated content is misrepresented. Passing off others’ work as one’s own infringes on copyright and diminishes originality. Proper attribution and transformation of ideas is essential. So if you are using AI to produce content then you are not covered under copyright law, as it gathers others content to produce content for you. Be very aware; you have been warned! My Personal Take In my own work, for example, I make a conscious effort to properly attribute quotes and acknowledge the original source when using it in my social media. If the origin is unknown, I honestly express uncertainty and focus on the value of the quote itself. This approach aligns with both legal considerations, ethical principles and values, as it respects the intellectual contributions of others while still using quotes as a valuable tool for communication. Bonus: IP Protecting Tool Enter Zigit, a nifty app developed as a powerful solution against copyright infringement and a shield for creative works. Just to be clear and transparent, I’m not paid to do this. But this app will become an invaluable tool for me and my team and and for anyone of you out there that create either Video or audio content. So I thought I’d share it here with you all. What Zijit does for content creators is generate a digital fingerprint of their voice, ensuring proper recognition of their masterpieces. With this software, creators can protect their intellectual property and effortlessly prove authorship in case of a legal squabble. It’s like having Sherlock Holmes on speed dial! Be a Meerkat The field of AI continues to intrigue and arouse diverse emotions in people. While it provides enormous opportunities, it also necessitates a serious evaluation of its moral, ethical, and legal ramifications. We can harness the power of AI for constructive purposes and assure a secure and democratic future by staying alert and keeping our eyes peeled, as would a meerkat do in keeping aware and informed of what’s going on around, not by sticking our heads in the sand like the ostrich. We hope that we have provided you with useful information and prompted additional thoughts on this ever-changing subject, with you sharing your feedback in our small poll. By all means, put comments down. Let us know your thoughts, and what you feel about what’s going on at the moment. And, as always, stay true, stay you and keep bringing out your brilliance!
The ART of Managing People Remotely

Mastering the ART of remote team management is essential in today’s hyper-connected world. As organisations embrace flexible work arrangements and cutting-edge technology, effectively navigating remote management has become a necessity. But what does it take to thrive in this virtual landscape? How can leaders adapt and empower their teams for success? Discover valuable insights in this video. Learn proactive leadership strategies that empower teams for success in the virtual landscape. Watch now! #magsbell #LeadingME® #ShareYourThoughts #ManagingRemotely #AdaptingToChange #VirtualSuccess
Managing People Remotely Poll Result

Check out the results of our latest poll on remote team management. Wanna see what professionals like you think about managing teams remotely? Let’s dig into the findings together and see if your experiences align with theirs. Exciting stuff! #magsbell #LeadingME® #ShareYourThoughts #ManagingRemotely #AdaptingToChange

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Be Careful of Your Words

Here’s a friendly reminder to think twice before we speak, online or off. Let’s be considerate and inspiring, empowering and encouraging.💎
AI & YOU: Love it, Hate It, Or Indifferent?

Welcome to LeadingME® Wee Gems where we delve into the omnipresent topic of artificial intelligence (AI). AI is everywhere and we asked you four questions: Does AI fascinate you? Does it worry you or Do you perceive it as a threat? Are your feelings mixed? Or, do you simply not care? Your results are truly fascinating, and we’re excited to share them with you in this video. But if you prefer to listen, you can head to our Podcast We’d love to hear what you’ve got to say. Reach out to us here in the comments section! 💎