Author: Mags Bell

Stress is the mental and physical condition that results from strains that exceed our capabilities at the time.

However excessive stress, which remains over a consistent period of time, can produce mental and physical disorders.

Burnout Occurs When We Lose MotivationBurnout

…because work/activity ceases to be meaningful. This leads to frustration, fatigue and a lack of desire, as well as guilt.

The cost of burnout and stress to employers and employees alike is enormous. Think loss of earnings, low work output and medical expenses…and that’s just for starters.

There are many factors that may cause burnout, but they fall into four main categories:

  • Work
  • Family
  • Personal
  • Social

These will be common to most of us, and potentially, we could all be susceptible to their pressures.

So How Do You Overcome These Stresses?

Well, the most important thing is to be self-aware. Tune into your mind and body and notice if they’re telling you you’re tired, angry or anxious. Realising these things can be half the battle.

If you notice that you’ve suddenly turned into an insomniac, your appetite has gone or you’re skin looks awful, the chances are your mind or body is telling you to slow down. To help prevent burnout and stress re-structure your job/life to make it less stressful:

  • Look at what you really want from the particular area of your life that is causing you stress;
  • Re-assess your alternatives so that you get what you really want;
  • Look after yourself physically as well as mentally (construct a wellness programme for yourself);
  • Contact a counsellor/coach (use a stress specialist) to help you achieve your new goal of contentment and peace with yourself;
  • Devise and use your own counselling techniques to help yourself whenever you need to.

Whatever you choose to do about stress, just make sure that you do something. And do it now! Don’t ignore it until burnout takes place. Trust me, that’s a much harder place to come back from.

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