Author: Mags Bell

New Year’s resolutions. That time of year when we set out grand intentions, only to watch them crash and burn by February. Why does this keep happening?

Our resolutions fail because we don’t actually believe in them. We fear them. We don’t have a bloody clue what we really want because we don’t know who we are.

Harsh? Maybe. True? Absolutely.

Who the Hell Are You?

Here’s what you do when it doesn’t work. You sit down and scribble a list of things you think will make you happy. Why? because someone else has them. Because you think they’ll make your life easier or more fulfilling. But none of it is rooted in who you are.

It’s all just pipe dreams, comparison traps, and surface-level wishes. How can you set a meaningful course for your life if you don’t know who the hell you are?

What are your values? Not the fluffy shite written on a company wall like “integrity” or “truth” that sound good but means nothing. I’m talking about the real values that make you tick.

What’s your purpose? What’s the big vision for your life,10 years from now? If you don’t know these things, it’s no wonder your resolutions fail. You’re charting a path with no bloody map.

And the fear is telling you “What if I fail?”, “What if I’m not good enough?” It’s been with you since day one of setting your year’s goals, gripping you, sabotaging your efforts, and whispering in your ear that you’ll never get them.

They’re deeply ingrained stories that have been running your life since you were a child, maybe even longer if you believe in past lives.

What Are You Avoiding?

I’ve heard people say, “I surrendered to my path,” that’s bollocks. You don’t sit back and wait for the universe to hand you a map. It’s about facing the dark parts of yourself—the bits you avoid because they make you squirm.

It’s not pretty, it’s not comfortable, and it’ll push every bloody button you’ve got. But that’s where the magic happens. What you can do is start peeling back the layers and ask yourself, “Why is this getting under my skin?” Nine times out of ten, it’s something you’re avoiding in yourself.

There are loads of tools to help with this. The Silence Your Inner Critic Free Webinar dives into shutting down sabotaging thoughts. Decision Making Made Easy™ aligns your head, heart, and gut to move you forward. Or Google it—there’s no shortage of ways to start breaking free.

Own Your Shite

If you’re not ready to face who you are, don’t bother setting resolutions. Seriously, save yourself the time and energy.

But if you’re ready, to figure out what you want and stop living someone else’s life, then it’s time to do the work.

Get to know your values. Get rid of the fear.

Stop telling yourself the same tired stories about why it works for others but not for you.

And you don’t have to do it alone.

Find Your Tribe

We’re in the age of Aquarius, it’s all about community and connection. The world is shifting, and people everywhere are finding their tribes—groups that challenge them, support them, and lift them up.

Find yours. Whether it’s a coach, a mentor, or a group of like-minded individuals, surround yourself with people who will push and support your growth.

And once you’ve got your tribe, then you can set a course.

If you’re looking for that kind of space, the Dare to Shine Your Brilliance Community is here for you — for people ready to do the deeper work, to get clear on who they are and what they want, and to build the tools and resilience to achieve it.

Make This Year Different

Don’t have this year as just another chance to make resolutions you won’t keep. Make it an opportunity to figure out who you are and what you truly want.

Take the time. Do the work. Ask for help if you need it. There’s so much out there to help you: books, videos, tools, and resources everywhere you look. Go on YouTube and explore the places you usually turn to for guidance. 

The universe is there to support you if you let it. Call it the universe, God, or whatever feels right to you, just ask for help and trust that it will come.

This is your year to stop playing small. Go for it!

Stay True, Stay You
And Keep Bringing Out Your Brilliance! 

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